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Guarding Code Quality with GrumPHP

Check if your code smells before you make a mistake.


In a collaborative development environment, Code Review is a crucial process.
If someone writes code that violates rules or fails tests, it can lead to project errors.
Manual syntax checks or running tests manually are time-consuming and not fashionable.
These tasks should be automated, and that’s where GrumPHP comes in.

Develop Your Own Laravel Package

Guide on developing and testing Laravel packages locally and installing them using composer in a local project.


The Laravel ecosystem offers numerous convenient packages for various purposes.
However, what if you can’t find a suitable package or need to create a company-specific one?
This article demonstrates how to develop a package locally and install it in a Laravel project using composer, ensuring smooth development and testing.

[CI/CD with Drone 101] 04 Introduction to Drone Runners

Building an automated deployment process with Drone, introducing different drone runners.


In our previous post, “[CI/CD with Drone 101] 01 Basic Service Setup and GitHub Integration ” there is an example docker-compose.yml file that creates two Docker runners: drone_runner_docker and drone-runner-ssh.
However, in “[CI/CD with Drone 101] 02 Setting Deployment Trigger Conditions (Pipeline) ” only the Docker runner is used.
This post will introduce both runners, along with other runners mentioned on the official website.

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