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Create a Redis service on GCP

Set up a Redis service using Google Cloud MemoryStore.


GCP offers the Google Cloud MemoryStore service for creating Redis or Memcached caching machine services.
The pricing is similar to that of setting up a database.
I thought it would be as inexpensive as using virtual machines (VMs).

Make your computer be temporarily accessible on the internet. - Ngrok

Use Ngrok to temporarily obtain a publicly accessible URL for your computer.


In development, it is often encountered that testing on the local machine requires a publicly accessible URL for services.
Or webhooks to use as a callback. Moreover, these services often require HTTPS certification.
Are there any other options besides setting up a cloud server for this purpose?

Jenkins CI/CD 04 - Using SSH Commands to Operate another VM Instance in GCP

Enable Jenkins to perform remote operations on a remote host through SSH, replacing manual deployment.


In a non-automated deployment scenario, manually connecting to the server host’s internals is required every time.
Executing deployment commands or running deployment command executables not only involves inconvenience but also carries the risk of human error.
With Jenkins’ pipeline, we can replace manual execution, making deployments easier and more pleasant.

Jenkins CI/CD 03 - Building and Pushing Docker Images to GCR

This article discusses the process of building a Docker image and pushing it to the Google Container Registry (GCR) within a Jenkins pipeline using the 'gcloud' command.


Google Container Registry is a service provided by Google for storing, managing, and securing Docker container images.
The objective at hand is to package a Docker image and push it to Google Cloud Platform (GCP) using the ‘gcloud’ command for future deployment purposes.

Scalable Server 01 Auto Scaling

Configuring Auto Scaling on GCP for Enhanced Server Flexibility


First, you need to stop the specified VM.
Next, in the sidebar, navigate to Storage -> Images, then click on it to select Create Image.
Make sure not to choose Virtual Machines -> achine Image as it will lead to confusion later on!
In the beginning, I mistakenly pressed Create Machine Image from the VM section and got stuck in this alternate world, which wasted my whole afternoon.

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