Docker Notes 3 - docker-compose
Introducing how to manage multiple containers using docker-compose
When it comes to managing multiple Docker containers that are related to each other, using plain Docker commands requires remembering the relationships between containers.
However, with docker-compose, managing multiple containers becomes straightforward through easy definition of multi-container services.
- Docker for Mac defaults to docker-compose.
- A tool written in Python.
- Defined by YAML.
- Configuration file: docker-compose.yml.
- Depends on the Docker version.
Official Documentation: docker-compose
Configuration File Structure
docker-compose.yml consists of two main parts:
- version (must be a string).
- services
- key -> DNS name (hostname)
Other Tools
- Considered as a counterpart to Kubernetes.
- Convenient deployment (less preparation compared to Kubernetes).
- High availability HA .
- Cost-effective.
Components (Node)
- Divided into two nodes:
- Manager:
- Assigns tasks to worker nodes.
- Also acts as a worker node.
- Controls the entire Docker Swarm deployment.
- Primary control node.
- If it fails, the entire Docker Swarm fails.
- Can have multiple managers, but only one &$%^^#???
- Worker:
- Assigned tasks but does not actively assign tasks.
- Unaware of other worker nodes.
- Manager:
- Rolling updates can be performed at any time.
- Under all nodes:
- Service:
- Represents a container.
- Starting a service does not mean starting a container.
- Can perform health checks on containers.
- Services can start multiple containers (replicas).
- Task:
- Primarily initiated by the Service.
- Represents commands executed within a Docker container.
- Tasks execute on a node until completion.
- Service: